Not Just San Francisco – Connected World

Most people think first of San Francisco when the conversation turns to earthquakes and their destructive effects. Indeed, the deadliest earthquake in U.S. history was in that City by the Bay. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake hit the coast of Northern California at 5:12 a.m. on Wednesday, April 18, killing more than 3,000 people. However, further East, the…

Seeing the Future Differently with AR and VR

Immersive, mixed-reality experiences and the metaverse will change life, work, and everything else. Last year, Mark Zuckerberg revealed Facebook’s next move—its evolution to Meta, a social technology company. Meta describes the metaverse, an immersive VR (virtual reality)-enabled space that allows users to interact with a computer-generated environment, as “the next evolution of social connection.” Could…

Seeing the Future Differently with AR and VR

Immersive, mixed-reality experiences and the metaverse will change life, work, and everything else. Last year, Mark Zuckerberg revealed Facebook’s next move—its evolution to Meta, a social technology company. Meta describes the metaverse, an immersive VR (virtual reality)-enabled space that allows users to interact with a computer-generated environment, as “the next evolution of social connection.” Could…