AI and the Way Forward

In the past few years, AI (artificial intelligence) has grown at a rapid pace for many organizations. Now many are considering what comes next as the speed of adoption of all these emerging technologies and the IoT (Internet of Things) continues to pick up. Grand View Research suggests the global artificial intelligence market size was…

Making Factories Smarter: A Crash Course in Digital Transformation

Sometimes the hardest step toward digital transformation is getting started. What’s driving smarter factories? It’s a long list that includes drivers for specific business and “for the greater good” benefits, like better managing/addressing energy and materials consumption, carbon intensity, environmental sustainability, climate change, and public safety. But, in most cases, the economic benefit is the…

Making Factories Smarter: A Crash Course in Digital Transformation

Sometimes the hardest step toward digital transformation is getting started. What’s driving smarter factories? It’s a long list that includes drivers for specific business and “for the greater good” benefits, like better managing/addressing energy and materials consumption, carbon intensity, environmental sustainability, climate change, and public safety. But, in most cases, the economic benefit is the…