Small Business IoT | Sierra Wireless

While the Internet of Things (IoT) is often thought to be something for large enterprises, small/medium businesses (SMBs) can also benefit from deploying IoT networks. There are already millions of IoT devices in use for applications as diverse as fleet tracking, EV charging, vending, smart lockers, energy delivery, video surveillance, environmental control, customer traffic analysis,…

The Smart Path to IIoT Data Management

In the old days, industrial infrastructure was divided between Operational Technology (OT) (dealing with machinery) and Information Technology (IT) (dealing with data). Edge computing has blurred the lines between OT and IT, and now modern industrial operations are seeing a convergence of the two in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). For example, sensor data…

The Smart Path to IIoT Data Management

In the old days, industrial infrastructure was divided between Operational Technology (OT) (dealing with machinery) and Information Technology (IT) (dealing with data). Edge computing has blurred the lines between OT and IT, and now modern industrial operations are seeing a convergence of the two in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). For example, sensor data…

The Smart Path to IIoT Data Management

In the old days, industrial infrastructure was divided between Operational Technology (OT) (dealing with machinery) and Information Technology (IT) (dealing with data). Edge computing has blurred the lines between OT and IT, and now modern industrial operations are seeing a convergence of the two in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). For example, sensor data…

The Smart Path to IIoT Data Management

In the old days, industrial infrastructure was divided between Operational Technology (OT) (dealing with machinery) and Information Technology (IT) (dealing with data). Edge computing has blurred the lines between OT and IT, and now modern industrial operations are seeing a convergence of the two in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). For example, sensor data…

The Smart Path to IIoT Data Management

In the old days, industrial infrastructure was divided between Operational Technology (OT) (dealing with machinery) and Information Technology (IT) (dealing with data). Edge computing has blurred the lines between OT and IT, and now modern industrial operations are seeing a convergence of the two in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). For example, sensor data…

The Smart Path to IIoT Data Management

In the old days, industrial infrastructure was divided between Operational Technology (OT) (dealing with machinery) and Information Technology (IT) (dealing with data). Edge computing has blurred the lines between OT and IT, and now modern industrial operations are seeing a convergence of the two in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). For example, sensor data…

The Smart Path to IIoT Data Management

In the old days, industrial infrastructure was divided between Operational Technology (OT) (dealing with machinery) and Information Technology (IT) (dealing with data). Edge computing has blurred the lines between OT and IT, and now modern industrial operations are seeing a convergence of the two in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). For example, sensor data…

The Smart Path to IIoT Data Management

In the old days, industrial infrastructure was divided between Operational Technology (OT) (dealing with machinery) and Information Technology (IT) (dealing with data). Edge computing has blurred the lines between OT and IT, and now modern industrial operations are seeing a convergence of the two in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). For example, sensor data…

The Smart Path to IIoT Data Management

In the old days, industrial infrastructure was divided between Operational Technology (OT) (dealing with machinery) and Information Technology (IT) (dealing with data). Edge computing has blurred the lines between OT and IT, and now modern industrial operations are seeing a convergence of the two in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). For example, sensor data…