A Look Inside Microgrids for Homes

Green, sustainable building is all around us—in our homes, in our buildings, and in our infrastructure. Today, homebuilders are demonstrating how technology can help create an energy-efficient and resilient community. Up next, microgrids. Consider the example of KB Home, which announced it has launched an all-electric microgrid community in California, which is powered by both…

The Government is Watching—Your Buildings

According to the U.S. Dept. of Energy’s ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), there were 125,714,640 residential and commercial buildings in the U.S. consuming approximately $395 billion per year in energy bills, about 73% of the nation’s electricity (80% during peak generation) and causing 39% of the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions. Of those, 122,930,327 (97.8%) buildings…

Climate Change: Small Changes, Big Impact

Our long-term reliance on fossil fuels makes buildings one of the most significant sources of CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions, contributing to climate change, smog, and air pollution. The trend towards electrification, from buildings to vehicles, is a start in the right direction. The downside, now at least, is a limited infrastructure to provide for the…