The Digital Imperative in Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry is ripe for innovation, as it continues to embrace the IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (artificial intelligence). In fact, McKinsey suggests 50% of organizations’ revenue will come from new business models and products by 2026. And the way some manufacturing companies are talking this just might happen. What’s more, this is…

Women and the Rise of Innovation in Construction

March is Women’s History Month and tomorrow—March 8—is International Women’s Day. It is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women and raise awareness about discrimination. Perhaps this goes without saying, but we need more women in construction, engineering, and infrastructure. As we all know, the statistics show women make up only 10% of the…

Women and the Rise of Innovation in Construction

March is Women’s History Month and tomorrow—March 8—is International Women’s Day. It is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women and raise awareness about discrimination. Perhaps this goes without saying, but we need more women in construction, engineering, and infrastructure. As we all know, the statistics show women make up only 10% of the…

Women and the Rise of Innovation in Construction

March is Women’s History Month and tomorrow—March 8—is International Women’s Day. It is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women and raise awareness about discrimination. Perhaps this goes without saying, but we need more women in construction, engineering, and infrastructure. As we all know, the statistics show women make up only 10% of the…