Maximizing Project Efficiency: The Lean Construction Approach

Construction companies are under intense pressure to run programs efficiently. Increasing costs and complex schedules make it hard to complete projects on time and within budget. Traditional management techniques can’t always deliver the right result. Industry leaders are seeking better methods for managing programs—such as implementing lean construction, which is something Constructech has been writing…

Maximizing Project Efficiency: The Lean Construction Approach

Construction companies are under intense pressure to run programs efficiently. Increasing costs and complex schedules make it hard to complete projects on time and within budget. Traditional management techniques can’t always deliver the right result. Industry leaders are seeking better methods for managing programs—such as implementing lean construction, which is something Constructech has been writing…

How to Elevate ESG – Connected World

Even though we have been talking about climate change for decades, and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) has been around for about 20 years now, the tipping point was 2020. We began to see a greater focus on extreme weather events, social justice issues—particularly in the United States—and COVID-19. All of this has accelerated the…

Asia Going Green(er) – Connected World

The growing trend towards green building has been focused on improving the materials used as well as the designs and technology employed. It is no longer thought that technology—the smart- building approach—is enough to prepare for the future and assure there is a future. New and old materials are explored, changes to them experimented with,…