Malvertisers Exploited WebKit 0-Day to Redirect Browser Users to Scam Sites

A malvertising group known as “ScamClub” exploited a zero-day vulnerability in WebKit-based browsers to inject malicious payloads that redirected users to fraudulent websites gift card scams. The attacks, first spotted by ad security firm Confiant in late June 2020, leveraged a bug (CVE-2021–1801) that allowed malicious parties to bypass the iframe sandboxing policy in the…

Hackers Exploit IT Monitoring Tool Centreon to Target Several French Entities

Russia-linked state-sponsored threat actor known as Sandworm has been linked to a three-year-long stealthy operation to hack targets by exploiting an IT monitoring tool called Centreon. The intrusion campaign — which breached “several French entities” — is said to have started in late 2017 and lasted until 2020, with the attacks particularly impacting web-hosting providers,…