Zoom ZTP & AudioCodes Phones Flaws Uncovered, Exposing Users to Eavesdropping

Aug 12, 2023THNVulnerability / Privacy Multiple security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in AudioCodes desk phones and Zoom’s Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) that could be potentially exploited by a malicious attacker to conduct remote attacks. “An external attacker who leverages the vulnerabilities discovered in AudioCodes Ltd.’s desk phones and Zoom’s Zero Touch Provisioning feature can gain…

Lolek Bulletproof Hosting Servers Seized, 5 Key Operators Arrested

Aug 12, 2023THNCyber Crime / Hosting European and U.S. law enforcement agencies have announced the dismantling of a bulletproof hosting service provider called Lolek Hosted, which cybercriminals have used to launch cyber-attacks across the globe. “Five of its administrators were arrested, and all of its servers seized, rendering LolekHosted.net no longer available,” Europol said in…

Researchers Uncover Years-Long Cyber Espionage on Foreign Embassies in Belarus

A hitherto undocumented threat actor operating for nearly a decade and codenamed MoustachedBouncer has been attributed to cyber espionage attacks aimed at foreign embassies in Belarus. “Since 2020, MoustachedBouncer has most likely been able to perform adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) attacks at the ISP level, within Belarus, in order to compromise its targets,” ESET security researcher Matthieu…

Researchers Uncover Years-Long Cyber Espionage on Foreign Embassies in Belarus

A hitherto undocumented threat actor operating for nearly a decade and codenamed MoustachedBouncer has been attributed to cyber espionage attacks aimed at foreign embassies in Belarus. “Since 2020, MoustachedBouncer has most likely been able to perform adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) attacks at the ISP level, within Belarus, in order to compromise its targets,” ESET security researcher Matthieu…

Researchers Uncover Years-Long Cyber Espionage on Foreign Embassies in Belarus

A hitherto undocumented threat actor operating for nearly a decade and codenamed MoustachedBouncer has been attributed to cyber espionage attacks aimed at foreign embassies in Belarus. “Since 2020, MoustachedBouncer has most likely been able to perform adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) attacks at the ISP level, within Belarus, in order to compromise its targets,” ESET security researcher Matthieu…

15 New CODESYS SDK Flaws Expose OT Environments to Remote Attacks

Aug 11, 2023THNOperational Technology / Vulnerability A set of 15 high-severity security flaws have been disclosed in the CODESYS V3 software development kit (SDK) that could result in remote code execution and denial-of-service under specific conditions, posing risks to operational technology (OT) environments. The flaws, tracked from CVE-2022-47379 through CVE-2022-47393 and dubbed CoDe16, carry a…

Cybercriminals Increasingly Using EvilProxy Phishing Kit to Target Executives

Threat actors are increasingly using a phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) toolkit dubbed EvilProxy to pull off account takeover attacks aimed at high-ranking executives at prominent companies. According to Proofpoint, an ongoing hybrid campaign has leveraged the service to target thousands of Microsoft 365 user accounts, sending approximately 120,000 phishing emails to hundreds of organizations worldwide between March…