Unlocking mobile networks’ potential with APIs

In a new report, the GSMA has provided an update on its Open Gateway initiative first introduced in 2023. Open Gateway leverages mobile networks’ global reach by providing access to network capabilities through common application programming interfaces (APIs). One year on, the initiative boasts nearly 50 operator sign-ups—representing about two-thirds of the global mobile market…

How IoT is Revolutionizing Elderly Care

In the quiet of his home, a son contemplates the well-being of his 84-year-old mother who lives alone.

The worry is a constant companion, a shadow that grows longer with each passing year. Traditional methods of monitoring, like bracelets or lanyards with emergency buttons, are often rejected by the elderly—they are seen as symbols of frailty, an admission of vulnerability. But what if technology could offer a solution that preserves dignity while providing peace of mind?

Is Gen AI ready for enterprise? Separating hype from business value

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is arguably the most hyped technology of our time. Global investment into AI is expected to reach nearly $200-billion by 2025 as enterprises worldwide prioritize AI investments to unlock productivity, efficiency and innovation. However, while everyone agrees the technology is a game-changer for business, the question being asked more and more…