FCC moves to strengthen internet routing security

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has unveiled a proposal aimed at bolstering the security of America’s networks against cyberattacks by improving internet routing security. The new initiative mandates that ISPs produce confidential reports detailing their efforts and plans to address vulnerabilities in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), a fundamental technical protocol used for routing information…

FCC moves to strengthen internet routing security

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has unveiled a proposal aimed at bolstering the security of America’s networks against cyberattacks by improving internet routing security. The new initiative mandates that ISPs produce confidential reports detailing their efforts and plans to address vulnerabilities in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), a fundamental technical protocol used for routing information…

FCC moves to strengthen internet routing security

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has unveiled a proposal aimed at bolstering the security of America’s networks against cyberattacks by improving internet routing security. The new initiative mandates that ISPs produce confidential reports detailing their efforts and plans to address vulnerabilities in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), a fundamental technical protocol used for routing information…

How IoT is Revolutionizing Elderly Care

In the quiet of his home, a son contemplates the well-being of his 84-year-old mother who lives alone.

The worry is a constant companion, a shadow that grows longer with each passing year. Traditional methods of monitoring, like bracelets or lanyards with emergency buttons, are often rejected by the elderly—they are seen as symbols of frailty, an admission of vulnerability. But what if technology could offer a solution that preserves dignity while providing peace of mind?

This is how an astronaut will swab ISS exterior for microbes

NASA Two astronauts will soon be embarking on NASA’s first spacewalk of 2024 at the International Space Station (ISS). Americans Tracy C. Dyson and Matt Dominick will conduct some maintenance work and also swab exterior surfaces on the station’s Destiny and Quest modules for analysis that should determine whether microorganisms released through station vents can…

Do you want to build a vSAN? It doesn’t have to be a VMware vSAN

Storage area networks have been a stalwart of organizations’ IT infrastructure for the past three decades. Originally consisting of various interconnected disk arrays, tape libraries, hubs and/or switches, this series of networked storage devices and software stack provides pools of block-based storage to clients and servers with their own file systems. A decade ago, VMware…