Listings for Resident Evil 9 and remakes of Resident Evil Zero, Resident Evil 5, and Code Veronica have appeared online

Listings for several rumored Resident Evil games have appeared online, including one for Resident Evil 9.  As spotted by Eurogamer, retail listings for PS5 versions of Resident Evil: Code Veronica, Resident Evil Zero, and Resident Evil 5 have been added to Play Asia, along with the next mainline title in the series which is seemingly…

How to Create Effective Recognition Programs for Startup Founders

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In the bustling world of startups, the concept of “sweat equity” often buzzes in the background, unrecognized yet vital. Founders pour their time, expertise and relentless energy into building their ventures from the ground up. While financial investments are typically acknowledged and rewarded, the non-financial contributions —…