How IoT is Revolutionizing Elderly Care

In the quiet of his home, a son contemplates the well-being of his 84-year-old mother who lives alone.

The worry is a constant companion, a shadow that grows longer with each passing year. Traditional methods of monitoring, like bracelets or lanyards with emergency buttons, are often rejected by the elderly—they are seen as symbols of frailty, an admission of vulnerability. But what if technology could offer a solution that preserves dignity while providing peace of mind?

‘A bottle of good wine’ for free: How an NGO protested against website privacy policy pages using a sneak attack freebie that went viral

How often do you read through terms and conditions, EULA’s and privacy policies? Although we know we should scour the fine print, it’s something few of us ever bother to do, and certainly not fully. Non-profit organization Tax Policy Associates wanted to prove how pointless these documents are, and so in February 2024 added a…

‘A bottle of good wine’ for free: How an NGO protested against website privacy policy pages using a sneak attack freebie that went viral

How often do you read through terms and conditions, EULA’s and privacy policies? Although we know we should scour the fine print, it’s something few of us ever bother to do, and certainly not fully. Non-profit organization Tax Policy Associates wanted to prove how pointless these documents are, and so in February 2024 added a…