New HijackLoader Modular Malware Loader Making Waves in the Cybercrime World

Sep 11, 2023THNCyber Crime / Malware A new malware loader called HijackLoader is gaining traction among the cybercriminal community to deliver various payloads such as DanaBot, SystemBC, and RedLine Stealer. “Even though HijackLoader does not contain advanced features, it is capable of using a variety of modules for code injection and execution since it uses…

Over half of UK can access full-fibre, mobile coverage steady

In the latest release of Ofcom’s Connected Nations report, the regulator has provided insight into the state of mobile coverage and broadband availability across the UK. The report, which delves deep into the accessibility of essential services, brings encouraging news regarding full-fibre broadband accessibility and a steady course for mobile coverage. Full-fibre reaches majority of…